If you are over 55+ and want to improve energy levels, avoid chronic disease, and feel healthier, choosing protein-rich foods is vital!
According to Harvard Medical School, walking for 2.5 hours a week can reduce the risk of heart disease risk by 30 percent. But the question is, why is walking so good for our health, especially for seniors?
Are you interested in learning the exciting game of pickleball? This video will ensure you’re familiar with all of the pickleball rules before getting on the court.
Incorporating an excellent warm-up into your pre-game routine is paramount if you want to step up your pickleball game. This warm-up includes no paddle work but is designed to increase your heart rate, loosen joints and muscles, and prepare you to play.
Pickleballers, ye be warned, these are crucial errors to avoid. Mastering these tips guarantees immediate improvement. Remove these fixable mistakes to sharper your craft, become more competitive, and let your game speak for itself!
With so many options, choosing the perfect paddle can be tedious. Luckily, we have put together a comprehensive list showcasing five pickleball paddles that can’t miss, literally!
How long can you hold this amazing yoga pose for? Sam Abraham holds the crow pose for an amazing 41 seconds. Can you beat his time? Sam provides instructions on how to get into the crow pose.
View Crow Pose ChallengeHow many pushups can you do in one minute? Can you beat Aaron’s video at 29 total? This is an easy challenge that anyone can do in the comfort of their own home. You can do this challenge just for fun, or even post it in the Active Aging Facebook group to inspire others. Check out the leader board by age class.
View Pushup ChallengeThe Active Aging Handstand Challenge is designed for people ages 55+. The challenge is how long you can hold a handstand for. Sam Abraham is a yoga instructor who performs the challenge. In the first part of the video, Sam holds a perfect handstand for 25 seconds. In the second part of the video, Sam gives instructions on how to safely get into the handstand position
View Handstand ChallengeThe Active Aging Wheel Pose Challenge is performed by expert yoga instructor, Sam Abraham. This pose is often referred to as the fountain of youth because it makes you feel so good after. Sam holds this pose for a remarkable 45 seconds with perfect form. How long can you hold it for? Instructions to get in and out of the posse by Sam included.
View Wheel Pose Challenge